Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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120 lines
This program was written using GFA Basic and then compiled with the
GFA Basic Compiler. It allows one to do a complete payroll without
ever changing screens. Quarterly reports along with FUTA and SUTA
are not yet supported. This program will work only in hi-res and
med-res. For color monitors I have found blue background with yellow
letters best suited, but pick whatever colors you like. Make sure
you enter the correct date, otherwise wrong dates will be entered
for each record. The date may be entered using the control panel
before or while running the program.
You may have to change the check format to meet your needs. This format
can be selected by entering a 0,1 or 2 for the check type in the
"Paytax.dat" file. A zero is entered for those that have only a one
part check, a 1 is entered for pay stub first and check second, and
a 3 is entered for check first and then pay stub. You may also have
to adjust the number of lines to space between the each check. This
is done by entering the correct number on the same line as the check
type. The default is 15 for the first part (Pay Stubs) and 11 for the
second part (Check). If 0 was selected only the second part needs to
be adjusted.
You can use the mouse or the keyboard for most commonly used commands.
Some commands are only possible with the mouse. You can change any
field on the screen by clicking the mouse at the field that you
wish to change. Some fields will display a prompt at the bottom of
the screen. The following keys are supported:
TAB moves cursor to the end of current text in the field.
INSERT moves all text after cursor to the right.
UNDO exits add or change without doing update.
DELETE deletes character under cursor.
LEFT ARROW moves the cursor to first position of text while editing
or display previous record in command mode.
RIGHT ARROW moves cursor to the right or displays next record.
UP ARROW moves cursor to the previous field.
RETURN terminates input and moves cursor to next field.
F10 this function key accepts all input from screen as is and
takes you back to command mode.
The search function is used to go to a specific record in the
file. Only enough of the name must be specified to uniquely
identify the employee. You may also use the cursor keys to scroll
thru the file ( WILFORD NIEPRASCHK could be found be entering
The bottom of the screen displays the last update that was performed
on that record along with the date. Checks will only be printed if
the employee was paid. Check may however be printed if print one check
option is used. An "I" means the employee is inactive and may not
be payed.
The tax table may be modified by the user by using any text editor.
Be sure to make a back up of that file before changing it. Tax table
is in file "PAYTAX.DAT". You can add up to 15 entries in the State
and Federal Tax Table. Do not remove any astericks however. Try to
line up data in the same starting columns as example (Example is
State Tax for Virginia). The tax table is for 1988. Just replace
the examples with yours. Try to align your entries as shown with
the examples. The tax tables are set up for the yearly amount. They
are then divided by the number of pay periods per year. For bi-weekly
the number of pay periods is 26, for weekly it is 52.
Up to 200 employees may be added to the file. This may be increased
by increasing the size of the dimensions in the Basic program.
Reports will print on standard 8 1/2 by 11 paper.
QUIT does an automatic save. If doing alot of changes it is
recommended that you save often. This program may be run from
a RAM DISK as long as you remember to copy the file "PAYROLL.DAT"
to floppy before turning off computer.
Accessories will work from within this program, but you may have
to use the REDRAW SCREEN option to straighten out the screen.
Remember to pay employees before selecting new year. If you want
to keep the current year for history purpose you may copy the
payroll.dat file using a different name.
This program is Public Domain. It may not be sold for profit.
All parts of this program are the property of Wilford Niepraschk
and may not be used in other programs without my permission.
You may change the code as neccessary to meet your needs, but
it may not be distributed without permission. Use this program
at your own risk. It is your responsibility to check for accuraccy
of this program. If you find a problem you may either change it
yourself or send $3 and I will send you a corrected version. This is
to cover the cost of the diskette and the mailing. You may also sent
a diskette in a self-addressed envelope if you prefer.
Source Code is included with registration. The source code may not be
put on bulletin boards or given to friends. It is only for those people
that have registered. If you use this program, you must register. You
can distribute your version of the tax table, so that others from
your area may use this program without having to enter the State tax
tables. If you live in Virginia the tax tables supplied should work
just fine.
To register sent $15.00 to
Wilford Niepraschk
641 Lord Dunmore Dr.
VA Beach, VA 23464
Please allow 4 weeks for delivery.
Version 20 corrects a bug after deleting employees. It also corrects
the Check format problem. Entering the check type in the "Paytax.dat"
file should now work correctly. This version also adds a quarterly Report.
The Payroll program will no longer save the file if no changes were made.
A backup file "Payroll.bak" is made whenever the file is saved. This
file will be the file that existed before the last file saved. To restore
it just rename it to "Payroll.dat".
I am currently working on the IBM version of this program. The translation
of the GFA BOOK and GFA DRAFT PLUS have kept me busy in the past. After
having used GFA BASIC and QUICK BASIC 4 (IBM) from Microsoft, I feel that
for the most part GFA BASIC is better. The editor in QUICK BASIC is better
however. I wish GFA would convert their Basic to the IBM.